VPS Hosting

VPS Hosting

A virtual private server (VPS) is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. A VPS hosting environment mimics a dedicated server within a shared hosting environment. It is technically both shared hosting and dedicated hosting.

Why is VPS Hosting different than Shared and Dedicated?

With our dedicated servers, you rent an entire server. This is optimal for people that have very high traffic to their websites or need to setup their server in a very specific way. Not everyone needs to have a fully dedicated web server however. If you’re just getting started with your website, you can save quite a bit of money if you rent a small portion of the server. Shared hosting is when you share a portion of the server with other users rather than rent an entire server to yourself.

How does VPS Hosting Work?

A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software that runs on that OS. In VPS hosting, every website is hosted on a virtual private server on a more powerful hardware. A physical machine is divided into several virtual compartments, and server software is setup on them separately, making each unit capable of functioning independently.

Though other websites may be hosted on the same physical system, yours would be the only website(s) hosted in the virtual compartment allocated – with independent server resources (CPU, RAM, disk space, etc) to you. Other websites on the machine won’t affect the performance of yours. That means you get exactly the same system resources you pay for.

It’s like each website resides in an isolated room with sufficient resources to live with.

You get complete root access to your server as if it were your dedicated server. But technically you are still on the same physical machine and sharing its CPU, RAM, disk storage, and bandwidth. VPS hosting gives you complete control over your server and almost the same benefits of the pricey dedicated server. This way, you can get a virtual dedicated server for a much cheaper price and get higher performance for your website than a shared server.

What are the benefits of VPS Hosting?

VPS hosting gives you the affordability of shared hosting while at the same time giving you more power and control like a dedicated server.

  • Privacy - As you don’t share your OS with anyone else, there are no other websites on your server that potentially have access to your files.

  • Customization - With a VPS Server, you have your own Operating System. This also means that you have your own instances of all server applications such as Apache, PHP, and MySQL. If you need to have any of these services customized, you can make changes to suit the server to your needs.

  • Control - If you’re installing server applications that require a system restart, you can do so at any time. Even though technically you share a server with other VPS servers, your VPS server can be restarted without affecting anyone else.

  • Dedicated Resources - On a VPS Server, you have dedicated amounts of RAM available to you at any time. Unlike shared hosting, there is no one else on your server that can use utilize all the RAM when you need it most!

08 Sep 2016 by @poojapauskar